for the chosen few

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Have u tried kicking a wall made of bricks, old bricks to be more vivid ?

The end results are two fold. Pieces of brick fall off the wall and render it weaker and easier to be taken down. You either break your foot or at the least hurt it badly. This action proves to be detrimental to both the parties, the wall and you. Now lets travel back in time to a certain period when u were happy. I mean, didn't care much about the wall or in other words u weren't really involved much with the wall. You would just jump over it as if did not exist That was such a blissful scenario, no trouble caused to anyone, even though your own leg might just break. But thats acceptable, since pain is something you can bear and not share. Its intrinsic, and to see the bigger picture, is necessary for the greater good.

Do not try and comprehend the inherent innuendos in this digression. There isn't any value hidden in these sentences. Just ramblings of ...................

Friday, August 25, 2006

C is the letter

If one were to describe life with a letter, I would choose 'C'.

'C'ompromise - the secret to a happy life ( How 'C'ontradictory !!!! )
'C'onfusion - the most frequent event occurring.
'C'hange - The only thing permanent.

Now now, I am not being all pessimistic here.

There is

'C'hance - giving us the hope that something would happen which might prompt us to say that life is 'C'harming once in a while. After all, what is life other than stretches of lonely 'C'ontinuity disturbed occasionally by a sprinkling of unexpected events.

Finally, it is the manner of 'C'ooperation of the 'c's which determines the outcome of life, either peaceful 'C'oexistence or perpetual 'C'haos.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

vagaries of life - the motivating factor

"Scientifically speaking, the human mind is one of the unfathomable sources of mystery." Now now, I realise that this is probably one of the crappiest ways to start a post. No wonder you would feel inclined to click the 'X' shaped counter on the top right hand corner of the screen ( Well, I am a windows person at heart, so the Mac and Linux people can scorn as much as they want ). Anyway, the main reason behind such a bad starting line ( much comparable to ' Have I met you before ? ' in dating ) is that i could not think of anything else at this point of time. Enough of useless rambling, let me get to what I am writing this blog for.

Well, it is not some remarkably happening incident that i am going to talk about here. In fact, it might seem really trivial to most. To actually tag it as an incident would be wrong for its more an emotional sinusoid rather than a tangible occurrence ( now thats a graduate student writing ).

A sudden overwhelming rush of assignments and deadlines had made their way into my life and caused me to dwell in a state of perennial irritation. So much so that simple queries and comments seem to be filled with innuendos and seemed like lava bombs hurled at me by some unknown force. ( Beware !! I am to drift into the realms of incoherent ramblings again !! ). the whole world seemed to be conspiring against me to take away even the minutest moments of happiness from my life. This sense of despair culminated in me uttering some heartbreaking words to the person who was trying her utmost best to cheer me up. I was really pissed off at an obscure crowd for having tried to spoil a very important moment of my life and as every second passed I seemed to be blaming myself for being so unnecessarily decent and not blurting them out of sight. ( For Lynne Truss fanatics !!! This is not incorrect usage !! ) . Little did I then realise that i was probably the luckiest person on this earth to have received wishes and greetings from the people who mattered most to me. But as is always the case, time was to be the ultimate preacher.

Having spent an unusually worn amount of time brooding over my procrastinating nature, I managed to shrug off the pangs of anger and despair and slowly come to the realisation that my special moment hadn't been destroyed but brought to prominence by the heartfelt wishes of my best friends, my parents and the love of of my life.

Little did I realise then that I had, in my moment of gloominess, managed to impart some of it to her and in the process nearly ruined the beautiful gift she had given me. No it was not expensive at all. although I doubt if even the richest person in the world could have 'bought' it. It was gift of pure love which I had failed to recognise and managed to dishonour. It happens that some one brings a smile to your face and you in turn manage to make her cry. that is precisely what I had done and was at a loss to mend this situation. It was then that I realised that there was only one way out of it. Truth and humility, the two attributes I refuse to resort to in time of trouble ( I dunno why ) . And whollahh !!!! it worked. I managed to bring a tinge of a smile to my beloved's face and this tinge was enough to trigger off a fusion reaction which culminated into a hearty laughter, the sort which brings warmth to your heart. We were in 'blissfulland' again.

What I had started off to say at the onset of the post is well and truly lost now as i have as usual drifted into territories I had intended not to tread at all. But anyway, that was exactly the point I was trying to make. This crest and trough of happiness and grief in arelationship hurts for sure, but at the same time it rekindles the flame which might have slightly dimmed due to the monotony of your situation and enables you to traverse huge distances in time until you finally reach your destination. ( Okay !! Okay !! I am not disclosing that )

Lo and behold !! This incoherent rambling ends in the same uniquely depressing manner in which it started.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Vita è bella, La !!!

Vita è bella, La !!!

I was just rifling through some of the movies I had brought from India and stumbled across the english version of this film. This search ended up with me sitting on the couch for about 2 hours intently glued to the television ( yeah !! with my glasses on !! ). I had seen the film many times, intially to try and grasp the intensity /simplicity ( whatever you may like ) of Roberto Begnini's acting, but later on just for the sake of seeing something really nice.

Anyway, I am not writing a review of the film because there are people who have analysed it as minutely as possible. It was after those 2 hrs that I spent about an hour just thinking. I would just like to digress into one of the pretty peculiar habits that I have for a moment. Sometimes, I guess this happens to everyone ( specially people with as much 'lukkha' time as me ), you tend to start thinking about any particular topic, maybe as mundane as trying to recollect the minutes of the last meeting with your boss, that you feel as if grabbed by an invisible hand and pulled at an overwhelming speed through time to some particular comment made by a particular person at a particular instant of time. What I mean is that the chain of thoughts is so fast changing and intertwined that you find yourself something which has nothing to do with what your current business at hand was. Retracing your thoughts backwards provides you with a very nice opportunity to revisualize moments which were lost in the depths of memories for a long time and they even have the power to make you smile at a joke cracked by some friend maybe 3-4 years ago.

Well, enough of digression, what i was getting at with this paragraph long description was that I spent an hour doing exactly that. It al started with me thinking how beautiful life was or whether it was beautiful at all or not. ( It's just that the weather was awesomely romantic outside and I am a genuine PISCEAN !!! ) As usual, you start comparing your current life with the one in the most recent past. For me, and I know for sure for quite a few of us, it was KGP.

As usual, you start comparing your life with the life just passed . For me , and I know for sure for quite a few of us, it was kgp. There was a day when the infamous Bong trio ( Kaak, Sono and Rono ) went to celebrate the conclusion of a particular end sem with very little money in their pockets and a huge apppetite for food ( of all possible forms .. read .. solid- liquid ). Well, for once,( its a rarity .. believe me ), the trio, we, had enough money for food . But the ambience was just too demanding and irrestible not to wet our stomachs with only water. So started the search for methods and people, all of which had the ultimate motive, beer. And by god's grace came along different messiahs in the form of one Arif Abu Bakr and gang. By that time we had well mastered the art of getting the job done even after having little or no chance, i.e. in this case fill our quota of beer in spite of the lack of financial resources. Thus like victors we finally left 'Park' with an amazing sense of accomplishment and 'happiness' in our souls and took one of our rambling walks through campus before ultimately depositing ourselves to the care of 'Champa'.
This brings me to the point where I relived a very recent memory. ( I too have a cauldron of memory strings like Dumbledore ). My desktop has a picture of the same trio and a very special fourth member sitting at a posh restaurant with expensive cocktails in their hands. This made me recollect us four walking out of the posh restaurant it this case with the same sense of accomplishment and happiness which was there a few years ago. The place was different and the alcohol was different ( more expensive , less effective ) but the feeling was the same , maybe just a touch added up due to the joy of meeting after a long time .

Well, Life was beautiful a few years ago and life was beautiful a month ago as well. The I realized that it wasnt the weather or the lovie which made me smile and feel happy then ( neither the alcohol ... ) but the thought that there were a handful of people in this world who could make you smile with something they did or said years ago. It is a comforting thought and with it I got out of the couch with a smile on my face ( and a cramp in my legs ).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

title explanation

Upon the ardent requests of "the chosen few" I have finally started a blog. Not that I didn't want to but just that I hadn't managed to conjure up enough enthusiasm to go forward with it. Anyway, I was going to talk about the title or more precisely my blogger name.
I'll be really precise here in mentioning that this is some attribute I possess for which I have been reprimanded innumerable times and I do intend to get rid of it. So I thought that why not have a name which would be a constant reminder to do something one should.
The title might seem a bit cryptic to most "but a chosen few" will understand the reasons for it. Some more pressing matters call me now ( LUNCH !! ) so I have to conclude here.

( Hetal .. Thanks a lot )